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Topic 11, Lesson 9
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Change Display & Text Size with Per-App Settings

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Learn how to customize text and display options for specific apps on the iPhone

Learn how to customize text and display options for specific apps on the iPhone by using Per-App Settings. Introduced in iOS 15, with Per-App Settings you can make the text bold, change the text size, and more for specific apps on the iPhone. Learn how in this video for the iPhone.

Video TranscriptIn this video, we’re going to look at how we can change our display and text size on a per app basis. Basically, what we’re able to do is customize our display and text size settings for individual apps. This was introduced with iOS 15. Let’s go to my iPhone.

Let’s open up my Settings app when we go over to our Accessibility options, you’re going to see an option for Display and Text Size.

Now, this has been around for a while. I’m going to tap on this and what we’re able to do with this option here is make our text bold. We can change the size of our text. We can increase our contrast. This is our display and text size accessibility option. Now, any changes that I make here are going to be applied across all of my apps. So if I were to turn bold text on, all of the texts on all of my apps would be bold.

What I would like to do is just make the text bold in the Messages app. Maybe I want to make my text smaller in the App Store. How do we do that? Well, all we need to do is just go back over to our Accessibility options. And then at the very bottom, you’re going to see Per App Settings. Again, this was introduced in iOS 15. So if you’re using an older version of iOS, you will not see this option. When I tap on it, what I’m able to do is add an app. Once I add the app, I’m able to set the different options for that app.

So let’s go with my Messages app. I tap on add app. I swipe up until I find Messages. And now what I do as I tap on Messages, you’re going to see I have a lot of the same options that I had available to me under display and text size. But this time, any changes that I do make are only going to be applied for the Messages app. So what I would like to do is make this text bold. All I do is just go over to Default here, and then I turn this on. Let’s go and make the text a little bit larger as well. So I tap on Larger Text and then I just take the slider here and now the text is going to be larger only in my Messages app.

Let’s go back over to Messages here and let’s add another app. We’re going to go back. Let’s go and add my App Store. So I tap on Add App. We’re going to go with the App Store here, and now let’s go and make some changes with the app. This time, what we’re going to do is make our text smaller. So I tap on Larger Text and all I do is just take the little slider and slide it over to the left. Let’s go and add button shapes. I go back over to my app store and then I go over to Button Shapes and we turn this on again. This is only going to be applied to the App Store.

So now I made the text bold in Messages and a little bit larger. And on the App Store, I made the text smaller and I added button shapes.

So now let’s take a look at those two apps. I swipe up from the bottom let’s first look at my Messages app. You’re going to see that the text is really large and it is bold. Also we do not have button shapes on here. I’m going to tap on this conversation. You’re going to see that I do not have button shapes. Button shapes add an underline to anything that is a button.

But now let’s go over to my App Store. I swipe up from the bottom, and then we go over to my App Store. The text is going to be smaller. We can see that the text is smaller. It is not bold. And now anything that is a button, let’s go ahead and tap on HBO here. When I swipe up to the very bottom, you’re going to see, I have a button here and it is underlined. This is only going to be applied to the App Store.

Now, how do we remove these settings? Well we have to go back over to our Accessibility options. So I swipe up from the bottom here, and then we go over to our Settings. From here we go over to our Accessibility option, and then we swipe up to the very bottom. You’re going to see Per App Settings. Now, if I want to make any changes, all I have to do is just tap on the app that I want to make changes to.

But let’s say I just wanted to remove all of the settings. I just want to move everything back to default. I do not like all of that text to be so large. I don’t want it to be bold while to remove any changes. All you have to do is just swipe over to the left and you’re going to see Delete. I tap it and removes any changes that I’ve made, any customizations that I’ve made. So now everything is going to be back to default with a Messages app. But with my App Store, I’m still going to have the text small, and I’m going to have button shapes. I want to remove any customizations I made to that. Again, I just swipe over to the left, but this time I’m just going to swipe all the way over to the left and it removes it. We do not actually have to tap on the Delete button. We just swipe all the way over to the. So now both of those apps are going to be back to normal. They will not have any customizations for displaying text size.

So that’s how we can change our customize our displaying text size on the iPhone. This was introduced with iOS 15. All we need to do is just go to our Settings app. We go to Accessibility and then we go to Per App Settings. We add the app that we want to customize. Once we add that app, tap on that, and then you’re going to be able to customize all of the text and display options for that particular app, for that specific app. If you want to remove your customizations, you just swipe over to the left on the app that you want to remove.

So that’s how we customize our display and text size on a per app basis on the iPhone.

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