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Mac Tips & Lessons

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  1. macOS Classes
    5 Lessons
  2. New in macOS Sequoia
    7 Lessons
  3. Getting Started with the Mac
    13 Lessons
  4. Menu Bar Lessons for the Mac
    4 Lessons
  5. Dock Lessons for the Mac
    11 Lessons
  6. Finder Lessons for the Mac
    24 Lessons
  7. Manage Applications on the Mac
    24 Lessons
  8. Manage Files and Folders on the Mac
    30 Lessons
  9. General macOS Lessons
    21 Lessons
    1 Quiz
  10. Preferences or Settings for the Mac
    34 Lessons
  11. Troubleshooting Lessons for the Mac
    16 Lessons
  12. New in macOS Mojave
    12 Lessons
  13. New in macOS Catalina
    19 Lessons
  14. New in macOS Big Sur
    15 Lessons
  15. New & Updated in macOS Ventura
    12 Lessons
  16. Favorite Features in macOS Sonoma
    9 Lessons
  17. New in macOS Monterey
    6 Lessons
Topic 8, Lesson 19
In Progress

Tips for finding your Downloads Folder

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0% Complete

Learn how to find your Downloads folder and your most recent downloaded files on your Mac.

Tips for finding your Downloads Folder on the Mac

Have you ever downloaded a file from Safari and then you can’t find where it downloaded the file to? You can’t find the Downloads folder? In this video I show you a couple ways to find your Downloads folder,a s well as easily find your most recent downloads directly from the Dock.

Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):

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