Tap Forms 5 Tips & Lessons
Classes on Tap Forms 51 Lesson
Getting Started with Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Creating Databases in Tap Forms 519 Lessons
Create New Database Documents
Manage your Database Documents
Creating Form Categories
Creating New Forms
Viewing Sample Forms and Copying Forms
Creating Fields and setting Field Type
Change Field Properties in a Form
A Quick Look at Field Types
Creating Calculated Fields in a Form
Creating Pick Lists for Fields
Viewing Records in a List
Single-Column List View
View Records in a Multi-Column View
View Records in a Calendar View
View Records in a Photo Grid View
Viewing Records with the Map View
View Records with the Chart View
Working with Layouts
Setting Placeholder Text and Tab Order
Create New Database Documents
Working with Records in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Relating Records in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
Settings and Security Options in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Sharing Options in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
What is Tap Forms 5?
Learn how a database manager, like Tap Forms 5, can help you keep track of different lists.
Are you looking for a tool to help keep track of different lists? Tap Forms 5 may be your answer! In this video, I show you how a database can help keep your different lists organized. It could be anything from keeping track of your albums or movies. You could use a database to help you with projects. learn how a database may be able to help you in this video on what a database is, specifically what Tap Forms 5 is and how it can help you.
Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):
In this video, we’re going to take a look at what Tap Forms 5 is. Tap Forms 5 is a database that can help you keep your life organized. It can do this through lists. That’s basically what a database is; it’s an organized list. Let’s take a look at Tap Forms 5 on the Mac. Let’s go to my Mac.
Let’s open up Tap Forms 5; I have it here in my Dock. The first thing it does is it opens up a window where I can open up my documents.
So what are these documents? What are these database documents? Well, basically, what Tap Forms 5 is is a database, a database being a list. This could be something as simple as a to-do list, a grocery list, or if you have a list of albums, you can keep track of your different albums. You can also use it to keep track of your work. I can use it to keep track of my different Tutorials.
Let’s go open up my Forms. This is a database document with several different lists in it or Forms in Tap Forms 5 terminology. I double-click on it, and it opens up. Over on the left, we have all of our different lists or Forms; again, Tap Forms 5 considers these databases as Forms. So I want to look at my albums. I go over to my albums here, and I can see all of my albums. We can see, we have different artwork for each album. And when I click on one, I also have what year it came from and a link to the Wikipedia article and the actual tracks on that album. So this is how a list or a database can help us keep our different things organized. What about movies? I go over to my form for movies, and now I can keep track of all of my different movies, as could be movies that I’ve watched that I need to watch. I can rate them. Again, I can keep different information for them here. We can see Macheads, who was watched on Amazon and the year 2019. And we can customize all of this different data.
Let’s take a look at my Tutorials. I go over to the left here; I have my different Tutorials. Here we have three different tutorials, and when I click on any one of them, we’re going to go to Tutor for Tap Forms. 5. I can see what the date is, what the progress is; I can also add a description and any notes. And I have a link to the actual tutorial.
We have different views up at the top here. You’re going to see it’s in My Layout. This is one that I created, but we also have a Default Layout. So I can see it from different views.
We can link this to other lists. So these Tutorials comprise of different lessons. Well, if we look over on the left, you’re also going to see that I have Lessons. These lessons are linked to my Tutorials. Now, when I look at my Tutor for Tap Forms 5, when I look at all of the details, you’re going to see I have lessons. And here are the lessons for this tutorial. I can easily add another lesson here. Each lesson has its own information. In this case, I can see when it was recorded, how old the actual lesson is. This is a calculated field. It’ll take the date that it was recorded and subtract it from today’s date. So I can see how old that actual lesson is. I also have it linked to Teams. I click on this, and I have all of my team members. And from here, I’m able to see what they are working on. So when I select Beth here, I can see that she’s working on three different lessons. I select Dan here, and I can see that he’s working on a lesson as well. And they can be working on both the same lesson. This is relationships. We can have one too many relationships. We can have many to many relationships. I’ll talk about that later on in the tutorial.
So that’s basically what Tap Forms 5 is. It’s a database manager that helps us keep track of our different lists or forms. These different forms are going to comprise of different fields, different types of information. I’ll talk about the terminology in the next video. Also, these different forms can link to other forms. So then you, they can share different information, you can link them together. So if you’re looking for a way to help organize different things in your life, maybe it could be tools that you loan out to someone or movies that you watch, or albums that you have. What you may want to look at is Tap Forms 5. With Tap Forms 5, you’re easily able to create different lists and then keep track of the different items in those lists or forms.
So that’s what Tap Forms 5 is. It’s basically just a database, a list manager.