Tap Forms 5 Tips & Lessons
Classes on Tap Forms 51 Lesson
Getting Started with Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Creating Databases in Tap Forms 519 Lessons
Create New Database Documents
Manage your Database Documents
Creating Form Categories
Creating New Forms
Viewing Sample Forms and Copying Forms
Creating Fields and setting Field Type
Change Field Properties in a Form
A Quick Look at Field Types
Creating Calculated Fields in a Form
Creating Pick Lists for Fields
Viewing Records in a List
Single-Column List View
View Records in a Multi-Column View
View Records in a Calendar View
View Records in a Photo Grid View
Viewing Records with the Map View
View Records with the Chart View
Working with Layouts
Setting Placeholder Text and Tab Order
Create New Database Documents
Working with Records in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Relating Records in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
Settings and Security Options in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Sharing Options in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
Creating Form Categories
Learn how to organize your forms by categories in Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.
If you have a number of different forms in your Tap Forms 5 database document, what you may want to do is categorize them. When you categorize them, you are grouping your different forms together to help keep them organized. In this video I show you how to create and rearrange categoriess,and then how to add a form to a category in Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.
Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):
In this video, we’re going to look at how we can categorize our different forms in Tap Forms 5. When we categorize them, we’re able to do group different forms together within a single database document. We could have our personal forms group together in a category, as well as our work forms grouped in a category, all within the same database document. This way, you don’t have to manage multiple database documents. Let’s see how this works. Let’s go to my Mac.
So I’m in my Tap Forms 5 database document called Personal. Now, what I would like to do is I would like to categorize my different forms here. I created these two Forms; you’re going to see that they’re all under uncategorized. Now, if I go over to the right, let’s go ahead and select Groceries here; when I go over to the right and look at my form, you’re going to see it says on categorized. I select it, and I can’t select a different category.
So how do I select or how do I create these categories to select from? Well, what we need to do is go to our Tap Forms 5 Preferences. Now what I do is go up under Tap Forms 5 in the menu bar, and then we go over to Preferences. Under Preferences, we’re going to have a new window that opens up, and what we need to do is go over to Lists. Under Lists, we have Categories. This is where we manage our different categories.
To add a new category, I just click on the +, and I start typing. So let’s call this Personal. I hit return, and I’ve just added that one category. Let’s create another one. I click on the +. Let’s call this one Work, hit return, and I’ve created those two categories.
I can move them around; I just click and drag to place them where I want. If I want to delete one, I just select it, hit the delete key, or click on the key. We will always have our uncategorized category. So I like to place this down at the bottom. When I am finished, I just click on done. And now you’re going to see; I have my different categories here.
So now, how do I categorize the different forms that I’ve created? Well, the easiest ways to drag and drop. I want to move Grocery Lists to my Personal category; I just click and drag, put an under Personal. And now you’re going to see that Grocery List is under Personal.
Another way of doing it is selecting it, I select this Form here, and then we go over to our Form tool, our editing tool under Form. We have Category, I select Work, and now we can see those two forms are categorized.
That’s all there is to categorize in our Forms. If you have many Forms, what you may want to do is create these different categories. To create the categories, you just open up the Tap Forms 5 Preferences, and then you go to Lists. You’re going to see an option there for adding categories. Once you add the categories, you can rearrange them. When you are finished, you click on Done. And then, on the left, when you’re looking at all of your forms, you’re going to be able to drag your different forms around into the different categories. When you’re editing a form, you can also select which category it can go into.
So that’s how we categorize our different Forms and Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.