New Website Design!

I gave my website a new look with new features! My goal in this redesign was to simplify the site. Through the years, as I work on it (I build the site on my own), I’ve been adding more features. Some of these work out good, while others not so much. Lately it seemed the site was becoming more of a hodgepodge of information. It was working fine, but it was hard to find information and it went in too many directions. So it was time to come up with a simpler design!
The new site is not only simpler (I think), it also offers some interesting new features. That is because is it built off of BuddyBoss, which is a community based development tool for sites built with WordPress. This means, in addition to my tutorials and events, I can start building a community… or should I say we can start building a community! We can do this through a news feed as well as groups. These groups are for special interests, such as photography.
So what does the new site offer?
- My Tutorials: My tutorials are still, and will be a focal point. You can easily find all the tutorials in one spot.
- Latest Lessons: These are the latest lessons I’ve added.
- Events: This has been redesigned and offers a new easy to find what is upcoming and even my past events. All the Zoom information, including the meeting ID and password, are located on the event page. I can make this information public or show it for members only.
- Groups: This is all new! With groups, you can start a conversation or join one on specific topics. These are like a modern forum with a news feed and discussion area.
- News: This has been redesigned as well and you can easily see all the news from various Apple related websites, or all the news from a specific source.
- Search: The search has been revamped and now include News, events, and lessons. When you search for a topic, the results will be categorized by the type of post it is (blog, event, or lesson). This means you can search through thousands of articles I have aggregated over the years.
- MicroBlog: This is a page showing all the latest news from myself and members, including group discussions. It’s a great place to see what is going on!
Look for more information on these features soon. In the meantime, browse around and let me knwo what you think (and if you find an issue).