Tap Forms 5 Tips & Lessons
Classes on Tap Forms 51 Lesson
Getting Started with Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Creating Databases in Tap Forms 519 Lessons
Create New Database Documents
Manage your Database Documents
Creating Form Categories
Creating New Forms
Viewing Sample Forms and Copying Forms
Creating Fields and setting Field Type
Change Field Properties in a Form
A Quick Look at Field Types
Creating Calculated Fields in a Form
Creating Pick Lists for Fields
Viewing Records in a List
Single-Column List View
View Records in a Multi-Column View
View Records in a Calendar View
View Records in a Photo Grid View
Viewing Records with the Map View
View Records with the Chart View
Working with Layouts
Setting Placeholder Text and Tab Order
Create New Database Documents
Working with Records in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Relating Records in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
Settings and Security Options in Tap Forms 54 Lessons
Sharing Options in Tap Forms 53 Lessons
Viewing Records in a List
Learn how to show your records, from a Tap Forms 5 form, in a list. Also, set which fields will show in the list and if you want the list to be grouped.
When you are viewing your records as a list in Tap Forms 5, you can set which fields show in that list, as well as the order. You can also set if they are grouped by a specific field, and how many fields are shown in the list. See how to work with the list view in in a form in this video for Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.
Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):
Now let’s start taking a look at the different views we have with Tap Forms 5 on the Mac. In this video, we’re going to look at our list view. Let’s go to my Mac.
Now Tap Forms 5 is divided into basically three different panes, actually four. If you’re editing, we have our Forms pane here. Let’s go and hide this. I just go up under View, and then we go over to Hide the Forms List. Our next pane is our list pane. This is what we’re going to focus on in this lesson here. This is a list of all of the different records. In my case here, my grocery list. I can see all my different grocery items. Now next to that, to the right, we have our different layouts. This is the third pane. And if you’re editing, you do have a fourth pane. Let’s go and close this form here. I just click on form, and now we’re just looking at our two different pains.
We have my list view, and then we have my layout. I’m going to make my list view a little bit wider to do that. We just going between our two different panes here. We can see that the cursor changes, and I drag this to the left or right. So let’s go and drag this to the right. So we’re looking at a little bit larger list view here.
So what am I looking at here? Well, this is all of my different records. You can see it has my item, as well as the aisle. Now, what I would like to do is I would like to add the title Aisle there. I don’t know what number four means. So I want to add the Aisle there. Maybe I want to add the grocery store in there. How do we go and modify this list? You’re also going to see that it is categorizing them by letter. So I’m looking at all of my items that begin with C, cheese, and coffee. And here are all my items that begin with H. I just have hamburger in here. How are we going to change what is shown here? How do we go and change the groupings?
Well, the first thing we need to do is we need to edit our form. So now I just go back over to my Form here, I select it, and then what we need to do is we need to go to Fields.
When we’re looking at our fields, the order that we have them here is what is going to be reflected when we’re looking at our list. So if we look here, you’re going to see I have my item and aisle. Well, if we look over my list, I have my item and aisle. So what do you think’s going to happen when I change these around, I put Aisle at the top. I just drag this up at the top. And now we can see Aisle is up at the top.
The next thing we can set is how many fields are shown. By default is set to two fields. This is why we only see two fields here, the aisle and the item. To add another field to show in the list, we go back over to the right, and then we go over to Form. And then down at the bottom, you’re going to see Single Column List View Fields. This is where we can set how many fields are shown. We can show up to five fields. So if I just want to show one field, I click on one, and it’s only going to show my aisle. That’s not very helpful. I want to show three fields. When I show three fields, it’s going to show my aisle, the item, as well as the store. I want to change the order. I go back over two fields here, and now I just drag the item to the top. And now we’re starting to get a nice little list there.
If I also want to show the Item and Aisle, then what I do is I take my Item an Aisle, I drag it up below Grocery Store, and then I go over to Form, and we select four. And now we can see a nice little list showing where each item is.
Now I talked about these groupings right now. It’s grouping them by the item. So it’s showing me all the items that begin with the letter C. I want to group them maybe by the store. To do that, what we do is we go over to our Form. And then we go to Group Records By. I select this, I go to Grocery Store, and now it is grouping them by grocery store. So here are all the items that I can get from Family Fare and Meijer. Here are all the items that I can get from Meijer alone. If I change cheese here to Family Fare, let’s go ahead and change this to Family Fare, we’re going to de-select Meijer. Now we’re going to have a fourth category called Family Fare.
Now you’re going to notice that it still has cheese under Meijer. What I need to do is I need to refresh this view. To do that, we go down to the bottom here, click on the refresh, and now it refreshed it. And you’re going to see I have cheese under Family Fare. I have hamburger under Family Fare and Meijer, and then I have coffee, eggs, and milk under Meijer. So you may have to refresh your view.
Now, if you do not want to categorize them, what you do is you go up to the icon here, click on it, and you can hide those sections. When I do this, it is no longer categorizing them. To show them again, I just select it and go to Show Sections. And now I can see them all categorized again.
Now you can also go to a different section directly. So if I want to see all my Family Fare items, I can do that. I can see my Family Fare and Meijer items, and I can just go straight to Meijer.
If you have calculated fields with numbers, you can also show summaries.
If you’d like to group them by aisle, what you can do is go back over here to Group Records By, and you go to Aisle, and now it is grouping them by aisle.
In the beginning, I mentioned I’d like to add a title to this. Let’s go and make that a little bit more clear. Instead of having one, I want to have it say the field name. So it’ll say Aisle One. To do that, we go to our field properties. So I just go over to Fields here, and then we go over to our Aisle, and then I tell it to Show the Title on the List View. And now we can see, we have Aisle One there, my cheeses in aisle four, and it is grouping them by aisle.
So that’s our list of you in Tap Forms 5. With our list view, we can see all of our different records in a list. We can set what items are shown by going to our Fields. Anything at the very top is going to show in the list. If we go to Form, then what we’re able to do is set how many items are shown. We can show up to five, and then we can also group them. We go back to our form, and we set how we want them to be grouped. And then once you make any changes, what you may want to do is refresh your view.
So that’s our list view in Tap Forms 5 on the Mac.