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Safari App Tips & Lessons

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  1. Classes on Safari
    3 Lessons
  2. General Lessons for Using Safari
    2 Lessons
  3. Browsing and Searching with Safari on the Mac
    20 Lessons
  4. Reading and Sharing options for Safari on the Mac
    4 Lessons
  5. Using AutoFill to for Passwords and Other Information in Safari
    8 Lessons
  6. Customizing Safari on the Mac
    8 Lessons
  7. Troubleshooting Safari on the Mac
    5 Lessons
  8. Lessons for Safari on the iPad
    37 Lessons
  9. Lessons for Safari on the iPhone
    32 Lessons
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Learn how to save an entire webpage as a PDF in Safari on the iPhone.

Save a Webpage as a PDF on the iPhone

Did you know you could save an entire webpage as a PDF in Safari on your iPhone? You can then view the entire webpage at a later date. You do this by first taking a screenshot of a webpage in Safari. You’ll see the thumbnail come across your iPhone, tap on in to open the screenshot. Now, at the top, you tap on Full Page. When you tap on Done, your iPhone will ask you to save it as a PDF. See how to save a webpage as a PDF in Safari on the iPhone with this video.

Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):

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