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Keynote App Tips & Lessons

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  1. Keynote Classes
    2 Lessons
  2. Keynote on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone
    2 Lessons
  3. Getting Around Keynote
    32 Lessons
  4. Working with Slides in Keynote
    4 Lessons
  5. Working with Text in Keynote
    5 Lessons
  6. Working with Tables in Keynote
    6 Lessons
  7. Working with Charts in Keynote
    5 Lessons
  8. Working with Shapes in Keynote
    4 Lessons
  9. Working with Media in Keynote
    6 Lessons
  10. Arranging and Layering Objects in Keynote
    5 Lessons
  11. Transitions, Builds, and Actions in Keynote
    5 Lessons
  12. Presenting your Keynote Presentation
    5 Lessons
  13. Sharing your Keynote Presentation
    2 Lessons
Topic 9, Lesson 1
In Progress

Adding Audio to Slides in Keynote on the Mac

Topic Progress
0% Complete

This video teaches you how to add audio to individual slides in Keynote on a Mac computer. You can set the audio to play automatically or on click and change the audio behavior when transitioning to the next slide.

Do you want to make your presentations even more fun by adding sound? Well, you can do that with Keynote on Mac! You can choose if you want the sound to play by itself or when you click. You can also pick what happens to the sound when you go to the next slide. Check out this video to learn how to add sound and change the settings for sound in your slides with Keynote on Mac!

Video Transcription
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