Learn how to get around Keynote’s interface on the Mac.
Are you not sure where to start when you open Keynote on the Mac? This video may help! I go through the basics of the interface to Keynote on the Mac. Where you find your slides, showing the object list, where you can enter presenter notes, and where you find your formating options including transitions and builds. I also show you were you can find the document settings for a Keynote presentation. Learn about Keynote’s interface in this videof or Keynote on the Mac.
In this video, we’re going to take a look at Keynote interface on the Mac. Let’s go to my Mac. So I have Keynote here open, I have a presentation open, let’s take a look at the interface, we need to get familiar with the interface before we can start working with it. So right now I’m looking at a single slide. If I want to view all of the slides, what I need to do is go up to the upper left hand corner, you’re gonna see view here, when I click on View, I’m able to set how I want to see the slides. Typically what you’ll use, or at least what I use is the Navigator View here. When I select this, I can see all of my slides here on the left side.I can also select to see all of the objects in a slide. What is an object? Well, when we look at this photo here, that is an object. If I look at this text, that is an object, I add a chart that is an object, anything that we add to a slide is an object. So I slide can have multiple objects. To view all of the objects in a list, what we do is we go up to View again, and then we select Show object list. I select this. And now I can see all of the objects in that particular slide. So I have three objects in the slide. When we go over to the slide here, we can see I have three objects as well, I have an image as well as two text objects. We do have more options under here. I can also show my presenter notes. This will show at the bottom of the slide. So let’s go ahead and select this. This is typically how I will have my Keynote setup. When I’m working on a slideshow, I have my slides over to the left, I can see all of my objects, I can see my actual slide. And then I have presenter notes.
Across the top here, we do have some more tools, I can set the zoom level, I also can add any slides and when I select this, I’m able to select it from one of the presentation themes. I can also play the slideshow, it will play from where I have my slide selected. So right now it’s going to play from the second slide. So if you want to see how transition is going to work out, go to that slide. And then click on Play. And you’ll be able to see how that transition works without having to go through the whole slideshow. Over to the right we have our different objects. Remember how I said when you add an image or a table or a chart or a text, those are objects. This is where we have all of our different objects. So if I want to add a table, I click on table here and I can select from various tables here. And I can also modify once I selected. So if I don’t like these colors, I can go and change it.
We have the same thing with charts. I can select from any one of these charts. And if I want to change it once I added I can do that. I also have text. When you click on text, it does add it right away, you’re gonna see I have a new text box here. Where did it add it? It added it in the center. So I’m going to delete this. So when we add a table, we have to select the table we add a chart we have to select the chart, but when we go to text, it adds it right away. Next to that we also have different shapes that we can add. We have them all categorized over here. And then I can add media. With media. This is photos, cameras, such as a live camera movies, anything like that. Now, any of these that I select here are going to be added to the individual slide the slide that I have selected.
I can also enable comments. This is for collaboration. So then you can see what other people have comments about as they’re working on the slideshow, you can have multiple people work on your slideshow. We keep going over to the right, this is where we can enable collaboration. This does work with iCloud. So what it’ll do is it’ll move the slideshow into iCloud if it’s not there already, and then other people can collaborate on it, you can send them a link and then they can collaborate on it. Over to the right, we have more options format. What this will do is this will allow us to change the form of format of anything we have selected. So if I have text selected, let’s go to this slide here. I have this text selected, we can see we have it selected here. I want to change the format of the text. We go over to format here. It slides open and now I can change the format of this text. This is going to be the style. This is the text format. So this is going to be the font the size if I want to add a shadow to it what the spacing is. And then I have the Arrange meant,
do I want it to be in front of something else or on the back of something else? What’s the size of it? Anytime I select something, I’m going to have basically these tabs here. So let’s go and select an image, I go over to my image here, we have style. And again, I can select the style, the border, the shadow, if there’s a reflection, but instead of text I have image. So now what I’m able to do is format the image, I can edit the mask at an instant alpha, I can also adjust the exposure and saturation, things like that. And then I have my arrangement tools. If we go over to a movie, this particular slide has a movie in it, we have style again. And I can change the style you’re gonna see, this looks very familiar. A pattern here, I have movie because I have a movie selected. Now what I’m able to do is control the movie, I can go and edit it do I want it to repeat things like that. And then I have the standard arrangement options again. So anything that I have selected any object that I have selected, this is where I can go and format it by selecting Format.
Now our next option here is for animation, we can animate between our different slides. So what is the slide going to do when it goes from one to the other. And then we can also animate or have buildings and build out. So those are for the individual objects. So when I select this slide here, you’re gonna see as a blue triangle in the lower right hand corner, this means that there’s an animation, we can see that this animation here is blinds, I want to change it, I just click on change. And I can change it, I can preview it by going over to the right, and click it on preview. And now we get a preview. If I do not want to select it, I just go outside here, and it’s going to remain at bonds. So that’s for animation between different slides. As I mentioned, we also have builds this particular text here builds in by bullet point. So if we go over to the right, under anime, you’re gonna see we have built in and it moves in. And I can change this again, just like animation, I have a number of different options for built ins. In this case, here, it’s going to build in from left to right. And it’s going to be by object by bullet point. I can set what the action is I do not have any actions. But this is where I can go and set if I wanted to move what the Opacity is, if I want it to rotate. And then I can also have a build out. So what happens when I’m at the end of the slide, I want to go to the next slide well, before it goes to the next slide.
If I add a build out effect, what it will do is it’ll build it out, and then it’ll go the next slide. So we have built ins, actions and build outs. Those are four different objects on a slide. And then we have transitions, which happened between two different slides. And then our last option here is for documents. This is where we can set the overall document. What is the theme to the slideshow, that presentation? Do I want to change it? What are the slideshow settings? Do I want it to automatically play? Do I want it to restart if it’s sitting idle? What is the slide size. So these are global settings for the entire slideshow. And then if I want to add background audio, I can click on Audio here. And I can go and add a soundtrack or record my own voice so I can add a narration to it. So that’s a look at the interface to Keynote, we do have a lot of the same options up here in the menu bar. As well as a few more if I go up to play here, what I can do is I can play this in a full screen or in a window.
So we do have more options here under slide. I can skip slides, and I’ll talk a little bit more about these throughout the tutorial. So in addition to being able to manipulate different things through the interface, we also can manipulate them through the menu bar. And we do have a few more options through the menu bar. But for the most part, what we’re able to do is manage or create our slideshow through the interface itself. Last thing I want to show if you want to change the preferences, and I’ll talk about this in another video, but if you do want to change preferences, all you have to do is just go up under Keynote, and then you go over to preferences. So that’s a quick look at the layout to Keynote.
Basically what we have is we have our slides on the left side we have to show the slides I like to show them as a navigator we also have a few other options or views with that. We can show our presenter notes we can show our object list. We select the slide that we want to work on. And from there we can can add different objects. This includes tables, charts, media, or even text. When we have an object selected, what we’re able to do is format that. We can change the style, if it’s text, we can change the font, if it’s a movie, we can change if it repeats. And then we can also set the arrangement this is going to be where it is located, if it is on top of another object, things like that. We also have animation with animation we can set how a slide is going to transition from one slide to another, as well as how objects get placed in the slideshow. We have built ins, actions and build outs.
We build it in we apply an action we build it out. Once it’s built out, it goes to the next slide through a transition. And then we have our document settings. These are the overall document settings that applies globally to the entire presentation. So that’s a look at the interface to Keynote on the Mac.