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Back Up your Mac, iPad, and iPhone Class

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It’s that time again for a reminder on how important backups are. Why? I had a friend frantically call me. She was going to manage a symposium the following day and needed to print some documents she created. She couldn’t print them unless she updated her Mac, and let’s say that did not go well. Luckily we found that she was storing her documents in iCloud, so any major crisis was averted. But it reminded me how important backups are.

In this class, I went over best practices for backing up your Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Some of what I covered include:

  • Backing up your Mac with Time Machine
  • Preparing a Hard Drive for Time Machine
  • Checking to see if your Mac is backing up
  • Backing up online for redundancy
  • Backing up your iPad
  • Backing up your iPhone
  • Managing backups on your iPad and iPhone

I can’t stress how important it is to backup your devices. See how easy it is to backup your Apple devices in this class.

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