Did you know you could quickly switch between users on your Mac through the Menu Bar? When Fast User Switching is enabled, you can select with user ac…
Did you know that you can move your selected files into a new folder through the Mac's Contextual Menu or through the Menu Bar? By using this feature,…
Are you running low on space with your Mac? What can you do? The good news is Apple has built in tools to help you see what is taking up space. You ca…
Did you know you could set an animated emoji of yourself for your login screen? The emoji will patiently look around as you are logging in. If you typ…
With Focus modes, what we are able to do is customize Do Not Disturb. We can set different focus modes based on what we are doing. With each focus mod…
Did you know you could add a second or third display to your Mac virtually? This is done through Spaces in Mission Control. With Spaces, you can creat…
Are you curious on how much memory you have in your Mac? Or how much memory an individual app is using on your Mac? You can see all this and more in t…
Did you know you could add your printers to your Mac's Dock? Once you add them, you can then drag-and-drop any documents, including multiple documents…
Did you know you could share a printer that is plugged into your Mac with other Macs on your network? Just plug it in, go to Sharing in your System Pr…
When using Universal Control, you can share your cursor and keyboard with multiple devices. As an example, you could user your trackpad and keyboard f…