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Messages App Tips & Lessons

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  1. Combined Lessons for Messages on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone
    1 Lesson
  2. Messages on the Mac
    19 Lessons
  3. Messages on the iPad
    25 Lessons
  4. Messages on the iPhone
    25 Lessons
Topic 3, Lesson 19
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Receive Notifications with Mentions

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Learn how to receive a notification when your name is mentioned in a conversation in the Messages app on the iPad.

Mentions in Messages on the iPad

Apple introduced a new feature for the Messages app with iPadOS 14 – mentions. Now when you are in a group conversation, where your messages can get lost, you can now mention someone’s name in that conversation. When you do this, the person you mentioned will be notified that their name was mentioned in the conversation. See how to mention someone name to notify them while in a conversation in the Messages app on the iPad.

Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):

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