Messages App Tips & Lessons
Combined Lessons for Messages on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone1 Lesson
Messages on the Mac19 Lessons
Add or Create a Contact Card from a Message
Setting Up an Account in Messages
Setting Up Messages to Sync with iCloud
General Preferences
Basics of Sending Text Messages
Attaching and Saving Files within a Message
Sending Audio Clips
Forwarding Attachments in a Message
Making Audio and Video Calls
Group Conversations in Messages
Responding to a Message with a Tapback
Pin your Conversations
Send Message Effects and more
Searching Conversations
Closing and Deleting Conversations
Notifications and Do Not Disturb Options
Enabling and Viewing Read Receipts
Viewing the Details of a Conversation
Blocking Messages from Specific Contacts
Add or Create a Contact Card from a Message
Messages on the iPad25 Lessons
iMessage and SMS/MMS in Messages
Send and Receive Settings
Basics of the Messages App
Sending Audio Clips
Message Animations with Bubbles and Screen Effects
Using and Managing iMessage Apps
Working with Photos and Videos
Forwarding Messages
Filtering and Blocking Messages
Group Conversations
Sending a Digital Touch Message
Hide Alerts and Notifications
Setting Message Notifications to Repeat
Reply to a message with an Inline Reply
Viewing Conversation Details
Viewing the Time Stamp of a Message
Deleting Messages and Conversations
Pin Conversations for Easy Access
Receive Notifications with Mentions
Setting Up iMessage and SMS/MMS in Messages
Change a Group Conversation's Photo
Send and Receive Settings
Text Message Forwarding
Change a group Conversations Info
New in Messages on the iPad with iPadOS 18
iMessage and SMS/MMS in Messages
Messages on the iPhone25 Lessons
Text Message Basics
Saving And Sending Photos and Videos
Sending Audio Clips in a Message
Apple Pay in Messages
Finding and Managing iMessage Apps
Group Conversation Options
Animating a Message
Filtering and Blocking Messages
Forwarding Messages
Sending a Digital Touch Message
Share your Location in a Conversation
Set messages to Repeat Alerts
Viewing Conversation Details
View Multiple Photos as a Collection
Save Photos from a Collection to your Photos App
View the Time Stamps of Messages
Setting Notifications and Hiding Alerts for Conversations
Deleting Messages and Conversations
Mute Individual Conversations
Pin Conversations
Replying in Group Messages
Mentions in Conversations
3 Tips on How to Block Annoying Texts on iPhone
Manage Message Conversations on the iPhone - 4 Tips to help you!
Send texts with Messages
Text Message Basics
Mentions in Conversations
Learn how mentions work in group conversations including sending notifications when a name is mentioned.
With the Messages app, if you are in a group conversation, you can now mention someone’s name to get their attention. When you mention someone, they will receive a notification, and their name will be highlighted within the group conversation. See how mentioning works in this lesson for the Messages app on the iPhone.
Video Transcript (video also has closed captions):
In this video, we’re going to look at how you can mention someone’s name in a group conversation in the Messages app on the iPhone. When you mention someone’s name, they will get a notification that they were mentioned in this conversation, and the iPhone will highlight their name. Let’s see how mentions work in the Messages app on the iPhone. Let’s go to my iPhone.
Now, as I mentioned in the introduction, when you mention someone’s name in a conversation in the Messages app, what the iPhone will then do, or what Messages will then do is notify that other user, the person you mentioned, on their iOS device or on their Mac. When they go to the Messages app, they will be able to easily see that their name was mentioned as well.
Now this works best with group conversations. If you’re having a one-on-one conversation with someone, there’s really no reason to mention their name; they’re going to see the message anyway. But if you’re having a group conversation with many people in it, and you want to get someone’s attention, then what you can do then is mentioned their name. That person within that group conversation will then get a notification, and they can easily see that their name was mentioned.
So how do we do this? Well, I have this group conversation here. And let’s say I wanted to get my wife Beth’s attention. She’s part of this group conversation.,So I can mention her name. The person you want to mention does have to be part of the conversation. So now I just type in here, what I want to say. So let’s just go with – what are you thinking for dinner? So I type it in here, and now what I need to do, to mention her name, is type in her name. Now that she is part of the conversation, the Messages app will turn her name gray. All I need to do now, to mention her name, is just tap on this. Her name comes up. I tap on it. And you’re going to see that her name turned blue. This means that when I send this, what it’s going to do is it’s going to mention her name. It’s going to highlight the name on her end, and she’s going to get a notification. So that’s how mentions work.
Now that’s a two-step process there. You have to type the name, and then you tap on the name to mention it. There is an easier way to do this. What you can also do is just type in the @ symbol. And then the name, and if I were to send this, it automatically mentions her name. So let’s go ahead and send this, and now we can see it highlighted. It mentioned her name.
So we can either type the name and then tap on the name to mention it. Or what we can do is just put the @ symbol ahead of their name, and it’ll mention it automatically.
Now there is one setting for this. This is for when you mute a conversation. Let’s go over to my Settings app, and then we swipe up until we find Messages. From here, we’re looking at all of our different settings for the Messages app. If we look, you’re going to see there is one for Notify Me. When this is turned on, what’s going to happen is, is you’ll get a notification when your name is mentioned. So if Beth were to mention my name, and this is turned on, I’m going to receive a notification that she mentioned by name. Even if my conversation is muted, let’s say that group conversation is a noisy conversation. There’s a lot of messages going on with it. I muted it.
To mute it, what you would do is you would go back to your Messages app, and then you go to all of your conversations, and then you just swipe over to the left on it. And you’re going to see this little bell here with the line on it. When I tap on this. The conversation is now muted. I’m not going to receive any notifications for any messages within this conversation. But if someone were to mention my name, because let’s go back over to my Settings app, because I have in my Messages settings, notify me here, turned on. I will get a notification that someone mentioned my name, even though that conversation is muted.
So that’s how you can mention someone’s name in the Messages app. It really works great for group conversations. To mention someone’s name, all you have to do is just start typing their name. It’ll turn gray if they are involved in that conversation. Once it turns gray, you tap on it and then tap on their name. When you send that message, it’ll highlight that name. Also, what you can do is just type in the @ symbol before the name to mention it automatically. If you want to make sure that you’re notified, even when your conversation is muted, when someone mentions your name, you go to the Settings app and then go to Messages. You’ll see mentions notify me, make sure that is turned on.
So that’s how mentions work in the Messages app on the iPhone.