Did you know I send a reminder out before your renewal?

Are you tired of seeing a renewal come across your bank statement that you forgot about? Well, I am too and, to be honest, my members were as well with my old site. Well, with my new site here, you are going to be sent an email 15 days before your subscription renews! This will give you about 2 weeks to decide if you want to keep subscribing or not. This renewal option is one of the many reasons I switched to a different system to handle my memberships.

So how does it work? It’s pretty simple. You get an email 15 days prior to your renewal. If you want to keep you membership, and I hope that you do, you do not have to do anything, it will renew automatically. But if you don’t, you can just log back in and either pause your subscription or cancel it altogether.

How can you make sure that the email comes to your inbox instead of being marked as junk? Just add my email address dan[at]danstutorials.com to your contacts. In most cases this will make sure you get the renewal email. I send out an email about once a weeks highlighting what is new, if you get that email, you should be good.

What if you are a member already? If you signed up under Dan’s Tutorials, you are all good. You don’t have to do anything. If you signed up under my old site, Noteboom Tutorials, unfortunately you won’t get this email as your account is under the old system yet. Don’t worry, If you get billed and would rather cancel, just let me know. If you let me know within reasonable time, I’ll refund the amount that was billed.

Check out my plans I have available membership.

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