3 more Lessons added to What’s New in iOS 13 on the iPhone

I’ve recently added three more lessons to my tutorial on What’s New on the iPhone with iOS 13. These lessons were recorded earlier, but I had to do some further editing and my voice gave out. Well, it’s back.

So what are the lessons? I look at the new Dark Mode and how you can have it automatically switch and how you can add a control for Dark Mode in the Control Center. I also look at the new Reminders app and how you get around it… and why you may not want to upgrade your reminders yet. And lastly, I look at what’s new in Safari including new website settings, the new download manager and how you can download files to your iPhone, new tab control options, and how you can save a web page as a PDF.

New Dark Mode
New Reminders App
New in Safari

So what’s next? iPad and iPadOS. Of course, I may add some new lessons for iOS 13 on the iPhone as well. I have some on my list, but I need to get the iPad lessons out next. I’ll keep you post on my blog.

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